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HOUSE OF KILLING feat Esben Holk
Nov 3 – 15, 2017

A new media installation that concerns itself with the infinite post-human experience: the internet and the transformative power of the absence of ontological density in contemporary digital existence. 

Esben Holk is a BFA graduate from the Bergen Academy of Art and Design 2017, with a background in creative coding, browserbased experiences and performative strategies. Concerned with the absence of ontological density in the material and notional existence of produced entities, such as the queer, the post-human, the internet, love, reality and so on, he has been researching the agility of the proposed borders that define such objects.

The research is investigations, interviews, somatic experiences and aesthetic experiments into the lost border between what is the entity and what is not the entity. With notional prosthetic limbs on the internet, and with synthetic hair extension from l’Oreal, the human body is increasingly ephemeral: denying essentialist any way of deducing a natural state of the human.

Vehemently anti-essentialist and anti-naturalist, the post-human artist then proactively approaches the sensation of being a lost entity as a weapon in a revolution. Almost like a self comforting mechanism, the works are desperate attempts to find meaning and reason with the constant displacement from certainty: an unsubstantiated self, in self harming ways, trying to find substance.