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Today, looking for a family member

Mao Yuqiu
Oct 28 – Nov 18, 2022

No matter how far away your neighbour is, the person is always too close. In communication, people are always both: the perpetrator and the victim. And this unconscious violence caused by both parties is a crime. The question arises, how we should deal with the insidious violence, that comes with relationships in life? Artist Mao Yuqiu uses logic to speculate what tools are needed to resolve the pain caused by the small frictions in communication processes. While at first glance the various props at Helmut Space have an amusing or odd comic effect, in Mao Yuqiu's exhibition these objects help us to understand the life of "a certain person" in the collective. This person is weak, fearful, silent and ambitious, and in fact all objects function as the vain attempt to realize the desire for power. Despite all the absurdity, in the eyes of the artist, this imagination is everything a small person under virtual authority needs.